Hello everyone I wish you in good health, This time i will share information about herbs for dogs health complete with images and contents. Before going to discussion herbs for dogs health it's good we watch first about the herbs for dogs health.
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Ok there's no need to more detail, let's go straight to the main discussion, Below information herbs for dogs health complete with images and contents.
Herbs. How boring would your Bolognese sauce be without them? Herbs have long been used to treat and prevent ailments in people, and apart from smelling good and adding an extra something to your cooking, certain herbs can help out your dog, too.
If you have room to grow herbs (and you really don’t need much, a window box is perfectly fine), why not grow a selection that can be used to treat some common dog ailments? Hey, it may help you save a few bucks on vet visits -- and saving money isalwaysa good thing.
You'll be glad to know it's also good for your dog if applied topically. Aloe Vera gel can be applied topically to help treat minor burns, scrapes, and skin irritations due to its cooling and anitbacterial properites. But pet parents be warned—dogs should not eat or lick Aloe Vera or the leaves of Aloe Vera plants, as it can cause gastrointestinal problems and toxicity if ingested in large amounts. If applying the gel topically, make sure your dog does not lick the area.
The bright and sunny flowers of this easy-growing herb may be used to treat cuts, scrapes and wounds, both on you and your dog. While it has many different applications (including anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and the cooking pot), it’s mostly used to heal wounds.
The flower petals, meanwhile, can be applied directly as a wound dressing, or made into a tea to be used as an antiseptic wash. The antiseptic quality of the herb helps prevent bacterial growth, which is good news for your dog and bad news for the bacteria.
My mother was an avid gardener. One thing that really captivated me was her skill at doing just enough to make every plant stand out. A rose trellis was always nestled in delicate greenery, and as you walked by, not only did its fragrance leave a lasting impression, but there was always another scent that sat on the edge, like the top note in a fine perfume. It wasn’t until years later, after leaving home and tending to my own sacred spaces, that I realized the “secret” scents in my mother’s garden came from herbs.
Aside from their fragrance, many herbs are brimming with flavor and healing qualities that you can share with your dogs and cats. Consider adding the following top ten herbs to your garden or kitchen, and introducing them to your companion’s menu as well as your own.
1. Catnipis a member of the mint family. Best known for eliciting a state of euphoria in cats, it also stimulates appetite, aids digestion, helps calm nervous animals and encourages restful sleep. Catnip contains chromium, iron, manganese, potassium, selenium and other nutrients, including vitamins A and C. It’s also recognized for its ability to support the gastrointestinal system. Catnip tea stimulates bile flow and helps break down fats – steep two teaspoons of dried or four teaspoons of fresh catnip in a cup of boiling water for ten minutes. Catnip repels mosquitoes too!
2. Dandelionleaves are a richer source of vitamin A than carrots, and the root is an excellent source of inulin, which encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. Dandelion also contains vitamins C, E and K, as well as calcium, fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, silicon and zinc.
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All of I, Hopefully discussion about herbs for dogs health this can be useful for all of you readers. Ending word. Thank You for everything.