herbs for excessive sleep

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Okay there's no need to a little longer, let's go straight to the core title, Below information herbs for excessive sleep complete with images and contents.

Hypersomnia refers to a condition in which a person experiences excessive sleepiness during the day and struggles hard to stay awake during day time. It is also known as excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). Homeopathic medicines for hypersomnia help restore the normal sleep cycle of a person and also manage the attending symptoms like low energy levels, concentration difficulties, irritability, anxiety and restlessness. People having hypersomnia frequently face complaints of low concentration levels, lack of alertness, difficulty in thinking clearly and low energy levels during day time.
Homeopathic medicines offer great help in cases of hypersomnia. These medicines are of natural origin and are safe to use among people of any age group. They bring about excellent recovery in cases based on the intensity and duration of complaint. Given here are the top 10 homeopathic medicines that are well-indicated for treating hypersomnia cases. One should consult a homeopathic expert for case assessment and prescription and do not self prescribe them in any case.
Nux Moschata is prepared from powdered seeds of a plant Myristica Fragrans (also called Myristica Officinalis), or Nutmeg. This plant belongs to the family Myristicaceae. It is a top listed medicine to treat cases of hypersomnia. It is indicated when there is great sleepiness and irresistible drowsiness. Person needing it feels sleepy as if he is intoxicated. Sometimes attacks of sleepiness are attended with vertigo. There may be a confusion of mind, impairment of memory, slowness of thinking and sluggish flow of ideas in the mind. Mood changes from laughing and crying and vice versa may also be present. Apart from above it is a prominently indicated medicine for cases of narcolepsy with overpowering sleep.

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as Yellow Jasmine of the family Loganiaceae. It is the next prominent medicine for cases of hypersomnia. People needing it are unusually sleepy and drowsy all the time. They have prolonged sleep cycles with difficult waking. They may sometimes wake with a headache. The characteristic features that attend it are marked dullness of mind and tiredness, weakness. They also have confusion of mind and difficulty in thinking. Putting attention and concentration to do any sort of work is difficult for them. Lastly they may have irritability where they don’t wish to speak, anxiety and also tend to get angry easily.
It is another significant medicine for cases where excessive sleepiness in daytime is present. There is a strong desire to sleep. With this there is dullness and slowness of mind. Confusion of mind with impaired memory accompanies it. The mind gets blank and there is inability to concentrate and focus mind in doing any task. Marked weakness is another main complaint appearing with the above.
Sleepless nights are something that we all must deal with from time to time. On those nights when it’s hard to wind down, it’s nice to have a list of the best herbs for sleep and insomnia.

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of human health. It impacts everything from brain function, to energy levels, physical recovery, etc… Thus, getting enough sleep, especially deep REM sleep, is crucial for health.
Valerian has been studied in a number of clinical trials that sought to assess its impact on sleep. Some trials have produced amazing results, others, not so much. It appears that the dosage and form of valerian are vital for having a good experience.
A clinical study looking at the impact of valerian root extract on sleep found that it worked to decrease sleep latency and significantly improve sleep quality. The researchers noted that improved sleep quality was most notable among indivduals who considered themselves poor or irregular sleepers, smokers, and people who thought they normally had long sleep latencies.

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