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Infertility is estimated to affect 15% of couples globally, and the number is found to be higher in developing countries than in developed nations. Some studies suggest that infertility is over three times higher in some developing regions than in developed nations. Inadequate healthcare, unsafe abortions or untreated infections of the reproductive organs are identified as the causes of infertility in developing countries.
A UN data on world population stated that India is all set to surpass China as the world's most populous country by around 2027. But ironically, the data of a Bangalore-based medical technology company indicated that Indian couples are increasingly facing infertility issues.
Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite constant attempts. Female infertility is the inability to conceive a child or not being able to hold the foetus in the womb. There are various factors leading to female infertility. Age is one of them. With increasing age, a woman's probability of getting pregnant decreases naturally. Other factors include hormonal imbalance, eating disorder, alcohol, caffeine, obesity, stress, etc.
If you're trying to conceive and have failed numerous times, it's time you turn to mother nature for help. There are some special herbs that have been found to aid in conception and bringing a pregnancy to term healthily. We have listed below five such herbs to help you get pregnant:
Liquorice root extract helps detoxify and repair the liver, support the endocrine system and modulate the immune system. All these functions improve overall hormonal health. Liquorice also has anti-inflammatory properties, it helps balance blood sugar levels, aids digestion and helps cervical mucus production. Liquorice root extract is available as a tincture, or the root can be used to make a decoction. Caution: Avoid overconsumption, stick to the recommended dosage.
It’s time for some girl talk. Are you having delayed periods? While there are some crazy suggestions to induce your period out there, it’s better to stick to natural, gentle methods. Check out these selected herbs to bring on menstruation naturally.
Menstruation is a natural biological phenomenon that occurs in females. Menstruation, also known as periods, is a natural monthly cycle of periods in girls that occurs during the stage of adolescence and usually starts by the age of 12.
Each month an egg, known as ova, is released from the ovaries. When fertilization does not occur, the unfertilized egg(s) are eliminated out of the reproductive system along with the tissue cells and blood, in the form of periods. It is a normal process that helps the woman body to attain motherhood.
The symptoms of menstruation include stomach pain and leads to nausea and bloating in some cases. For those with magnesium deficiency, menstruation may also bring on muscle cramps in the legs.
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All of me, Hopefully topic about herbs for ovulation those can be useful for all of you you. End word. Thanks for everything.