herbs for quitting alcohol

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Looks like there's no need to more detail, let's go straight to the main discussion, Below information herbs for quitting alcohol complete with images and contents.

This is the fourth installment in a series of posts on non-pharmacologic approaches to alcohol and drug abuse. Previous posts reviewed the evidence for weak electrical current for reducing symptoms of opioid and alcohol withdrawal. This post is offered as a concise review of promising herbal and other natural product treatments of alcohol craving and withdrawal, narcotic withdrawal, and benzodiazepine withdrawal.
Three herbs are used in Chinese medicine to diminish alcohol craving, lessen alcohol absorption through the gut, or reduce symptoms of withdrawal. Kudzu (Radix puerariae) has been used as a treatment of alcohol abuse and dependence in Chinese medicine for almost 2000 years. Animal studies suggest that Kudzu extract significantly reduces alcohol craving (Keung 1993). A recent placebo-controlled human study found that individuals who had the opportunity to binge drink significantly reduced their drinking after taking 2gm of a standardized Kudzu extract 2 1/2 hours before starting to drink (Penetar 2015).
Salvia miltiorrhizais a widely used herb in Chinese medicine that may reduce the absorption of alcohol through the stomach. Animal studies suggest thatS. miltiorrhizareduces alcohol-seeking behavior in rats genetically engineered to prefer alcohol. Blood alcohol levels were reduced by 60% in rats that had been pre-treated withS. miltiorrhiza.

Aralia elatais a component of a compound Chinese herbal formula traditionally used to prevent or mitigate alcohol intoxication. Animal studies suggest that the herbal A. elata is a potent inhibitor of alcohol absorption (Yoshikawa 1996).
Ibogaine is a naturally occurring alkaloid extracted from the root of an African shrub (Tabernanthe iboga). Preparations of the herb have been used as a stimulant in traditional African culture for centuries. Animal studies suggest that ibogaine and its primary metabolite, noribogaine, significantly reduce alcohol consumption in rats genetically engineered to prefer alcohol.
Although alcohol is one of the most common causes of many fatal diseases, such as liver cirrhosis, it continues to be a favorite beverage of many people. While severe alcoholism needs specialized treatments, one can also follow simple home-based remedies that include consumption of grapes, bitter gourd, apples, celery, dates, almonds, evening primrose, ginseng, milk thistle, dandelion, skullcap, licorice roots, fruit juices, and a balanced diet. These home remedies have proven to be useful in many cases all over the world. [1]

According to the well-known book Hepatology by Erwin Kuntz and Hans-Dieter Kuntz grapes are one of the most effective cures for an addiction to alcohol. Whenever you feel like having a drink of alcohol, drink a glass of grape juice or eat a few grapes instead. Since grapes contain the purest form of an alcohol-making agent in them, they serve as a great alternative for alcoholics. Grapes are rich in potassium (Source: USDA) that provides many benefits. According to MedlinePlus potassium is an electrolyte that helps to maintain an alkaline blood balance, along with stimulating the kidneys. [2] [3] [4]
Drink some bitter gourd juice mixed with buttermilk every morning to curb addiction. The juice obtained from the leaves of bitter gourd is a good cure for alcohol addiction. In addition, bitter gourd juice has the capacity to repair damaged liver cells. [5]
Apples have been an age-old remedy to cure addiction. Apples not only remove the toxins caused due to alcohol consumption but also reduce the urge to consume hard alcohol. [6]

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All of I, Hopefully content about herbs for quitting alcohol those can be useful for all of you your. End word. Thanks for everything.