Herbal Remedies Have Long Been Used In Treating Pancreas Related
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This Herb Will Treat Any Problems With Your Pancreas Liver And Kidneys
Pancreatitis is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that requires prompt treatment.Each year, over 200,000 people are hospitalized because of acute pancreatitis whit over 50,000 admitted for chronic pancreatitis.
While pancreatitis is a very serious condition, there are a number of natural remedies that can help relieve the symptoms and prevent the condition from recurring.Diet is extremely important and certain foods should be avoided. By the same token, there are certain foods and herbs that are known to relieve the symptoms and protect the pancreas from damage.
Pancreatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation in the pancreas – a small organ located in the upper abdomen. This small organ has a range of functions – it converts food into fuel and assists in digestion.
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Acute Pancreatitis :In cases of acute pancreatitis, the enzymes which are usually released by the pancreas remain in the organ causing it to become swollen and inflamed.The digestive process is slowed down, causing severe pain. The symptoms develop very suddenly and sometimes last for just a few days. Acute pancreatitis can cause other serious complications and is often life-threatening.
Chronic Pancreatitis :This is an incurable form of the disease. The severity of the symptoms and the frequency of episodes vary from one person to another. The symptoms can become worse over time and are often linked to alcohol consumption or fatty diets.As this disease progresses and creates more scar tissue and damage to the organ, the risk of developing pancreatic cancer and other diseases like diabetes increases.
Your pancreas is an organ and gland that is located in your upper abdomen, near your stomach. The pancreas releases two important hormones, insulin and glucagon, as well as enzymes that help you break down and process food. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that may be short-lived or chronic. Vitamins, herbs and other dietary supplements may help treat pancreatitis. However, discuss the possible risks and benefits of supplementation with your doctor before using these substances.
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The most common symptom caused by pancreatitis is abdominal pain that is often extreme. If you have acute pancreatitis, your pancreas quickly becomes inflamed, although the inflammation is usually resolved within several days. If you have chronic pancreatitis, however, pancreas inflammation may last for prolonged periods, even years, which can cause irreversible damage in this organ. In some cases, chronic pancreatitis may manifest after repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis.
Certified nutritional consultant Phyllis Balch, author of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," notes that there are many vitamins, herbs and supplements that may help treat pancreatitis. Vitamins B3 and B5 are important for fat and carbohydrate metabolism; vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant; and vitamin E is important in tissue repair. Helpful herbs for this condition include milk thistle, red clover, burdock root, dandelion root, olive leaf, garlic and licorice. Important non-herbal supplements for the treatment of pancreatitis include chromium picolinate, calcium and magnesium and pancreatin.
Dandelion root is an herbal supplement that is commonly used to help treat pancreatitis. Balch notes that dandelion root helps stimulate and strengthen your pancreas and may improve the function of other organs, too, including the kidneys, spleen and stomach. The root of the dandelion plant contains many phytochemicals and nutrients and is the part of the plant most often used in herbal preparations, although the leaves and flowers may also be used. Dandelion may help cleanse the blood and liver and increase bile production.
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