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Okay there's no need to wait any longer, let's go straight to the core title, Below information remedy for dogs licking their paws complete with contents.
Excessive paw licking is bad for dogs as it can lead to a build-up of bacterial or yeast infections in between their toes. But excessive paw licking does also point to there being a problem (more about that later). So just what can you put on dog’s paws to stop licking?
If you scroll down, you will see a list of home remedies for dogs licking paws, including instructions on how to apply it properly. Firstly though, here’s the short answer on how to stop the paw licking
Things you can put on a dog’s paws to stop licking including home remedies such as apple cider vinegar, diluted lavender oil, raw honey, coconut oil, or baking soda paste, and using green tea to make a paw soak on their feet. Paw socks also work very well too.
While these home remedies to stop your dog licking his paws are widely recommended by experts, it’s often advisable to speak to your vet first. When you use any form of home remedy there’s a risk it could lead to an allergic reaction in your dog.
It’s also worth mentioning that if the paw licking is accompanied by symptoms like appetite loss, blisters, deep rashes, burns on the paws, a complete change in mood, or any other worrisome sign, call a vet.
However, some dogs can lick their paws so much that they strip the hair and cause sores. Often, these sores can get infected and itchy, which causes your dog to lick them more intensely. In this way, the cycle continues until your pooch’s paws are severely infected.
Image credit: Ekaterina Markelova, Shutterstock If your dog is licking their paws suddenly, but you don’t notice anything apparently wrong with them, then the odds are that they’re allergic to their food. When dogs have a food allergy, they often get itchy—instead of the intestinal problems you might expect.
Food allergies are even more likely to be the case if your dog has been eating the same food for an extended period. Dog allergies develop over time. If your dog has been eating the same chicken kibble for years, the odds are that they developed an allergy to chicken protein.
In these cases, you’ll want to switch their food to a different recipe that includes different ingredients. Dogs only become allergic to the protein in their food. So, you only have to worry about switching protein sources. For example, if your dog is eating a food that contains chicken, switch them to one that includes beef.
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