remedy for dogs fleas
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Ok there's no need to wait any longer, let's go straight to the main article Below information remedy for dogs fleas complete with image.
While we may not be able to roll back the global warming trend that is making pest season longer in some parts of the country, there are easier, softer ways to treat parasites, and ways in which we can avoid some of the worst pests.
A lot of people are reluctant to use chemical flea treatments because of the possibility of a toxic reaction with the skin. "If it isn't safe for my children, how can it be safe for my pet?" they ask. Unless it is a full blown flea infestation, you may have good results by using gentler and safer methods for flea eradication and control.
Take note that oil extracts from lemons and oranges (and any citrus) are not safe for cats and dogs at all. The oil that is extracted from the rind of the citrus fruit contains limonene, an effective insect repellent as well as an all purpose household cleaner. Limonene is also irritating to the skin, and when ingested, can cause liver damage in cats and dogs. Limonene is found in household cleaning products and insect sprays, in home fragrance products, and may be found in some topical products (i.e., for use on skin). Take great care in using citrus oil products only in areas of the home your pets cannot reach, and do not use it on yourself if your pets will be licking you, or on your pets' hair or skin in any form. The oil is specific to the cells within the rind of the fruit and can only be extracted using specialty equipment, and so is not found in the fresh-squeezed juice of the fruit. If your pet licks a little of the juice off of his fur, there is very little risk of harm — always keeping in mind that allergies can happen to anyone. If your pet behaves oddly after using or eatinganythingdifferent, discontinue its use immediately.
Remember the old cartoons where dogs would jump into water to relieve themselves of fleas? Water really does work. Since fleas do not grasp and hold onto the hair shafts, they fall off in the water and drown. A good dip in a tub of water will wash away most, if not all, of the fleas on your pet. Using a gentle pet shampoo or a little bit of regular dish liquid, along with a thorough brushing (an outdoor brushing is best), will go a long way toward ridding your pet's body of fleas.
Around the house, laundering pet beds and furniture covers, and vacuuming and disinfecting the floors — not just around your pet's living spaces but all over — will help to control the population of fleas (just make sure you do not use products with volatile organic compounds). Always dump the bag or cannister of the vacuum, since fleas can continue to live inside the container.
To rid your home of a flea infestation, try this trick. Place a plate on the floor in each room of your home and fill each with water. Add about a capful of dish soap to each plate and place a lit tea candle in the middle of the plates. Fleas will be attracted to the light of the candle, but the plate’s soapy liquid will trap and kill the fleas. The safest way to do this is to tackle a new room each night, and stay awake while the candle burns as a safety precaution. Keep any pets and children out of rooms with the temporary flea traps. Learn (and avoid!) the mistakes all dog owners make.
Avoid using harsh chemicals and instead opt for this herbal spray to rid your home of fleas. Mix one gallon of vinegar, a half-gallon of water, 16 ounces of lemon juice, and eight ounces of witch hazel to create your solution, then vigorously vacuum your home to try and rid it of errant fleas before spraying. Wash anything that cannot be vacuumed on the hottest setting possible. Then, for a great natural flea remedy, spray the solution all throughout your home and repeat as needed. Learn the best tips to keep your dog safe during summer.
Sprinkle finely ground salt over the carpets throughout your home, and then vacuum up after 12 to 48 hours. Although this flea control works on living fleas, it will not kill flea larvae.
Rosemary repels fleas and can be used in oil or powder form. To help get fleas off your dog, a few drops of rosemary oil on the base of his neck should help to deter fleas. You can also wash dogs in rosemary water as a natural flea bath. A powder made of equal parts rosemary, peppermint, fennel, rue, and wormwood can be ground together and sprinkled throughout the house. However, this will only repel fleas (it won’t kill them). Learn these secrets to avoid tick bites, too.
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