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I love growing herbs. For the most part, they're really easy to grow, not picky about the soil conditions or even whether you water them regularly...and they add a delicious flavor to my cooking.
Well, there's another way to put the herbs and edible flowers you grow to good use - in your chicken nesting boxes and coop. Fresh or dried, most herbs have wonderful benefits for your flock!
Culinary herbs and edible flowers have amazing health and well-being benefits...and also provide a bit of aromatherapy for your chickens. They're not only pretty to look at, they smell SOOOO good too!
Especially during the spring and summer laying season, I try to make sure my chicken nesting boxes not only always have fresh bedding in them - either aspen nesting pads, pine shavings or straw are all good choices - but always have a sprinkling of fresh or dried herbs.
Fresh or dried herbs scattered in coop provide numerous benefits for your chickens. They not only work to discourage bugs like mites and lice, but also have anti-bacterial properties, and can act as natural rodent control, stress relievers and laying stimulants.
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All of I, Hopefully topic about herb chicken eggs those can be useful for all of you readers. Ending word. Thank you for everything.